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US Dollar No Longer A Haven

Hello Everyone,

This article from Bloomberg says it all. Nothing to panic about, just do whats necessary to protect yourself and your family. Even though the dollar is sliding downwards YOU can still make money all the same. Just put your money into currencies that are benifitting from the dollars slide and watch your account grow. 

Now is a great time to be investing in foreign currencies. Especially if you have a lot of US dollars.

The EASIEST way to do that is to use the eToro forex trading software. 

Its free, completely safe and easy to use. 

Dollar No Longer Haven After Fed Moves Rate Near Zero 

By Kim-Mai Cutler and Bo Nielsen

Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) -- The world’s biggest currency-trading firms say the dollar’s appeal as a haven amid the financial crisis all but evaporated.

The U.S. currency slid to a 13-year low against the yen today and had its biggest one-day decline versus the euro after the Federal Reserve reduced its target interest rate yesterday to a range of zero to 0.25 percent, the lowest among the world’s biggest economies. CMC Markets said today the currency’s prospects appear “ominous.” State Street Global markets said the dollar’s outlook has been “undermined.”

“The dollar has been under heavy downward pressure,” said Robert Minikin, a senior currency strategist in London at Standard Chartered Bank Plc. “This move is very well-justified and has a long way to run.” Standard Chartered is preparing to cut its dollar forecasts, Minikin said.

Yesterday’s rate cut brings the Fed’s target to below the Bank of Japan’s for the first time since January 1993. U.S. policy makers repeated plans to buy agency debt and mortgage- backed securities and said they will study buying Treasuries, a policy known as quantitative easing.

The dollar fell to 87.14 yen, the lowest since July 1995, before trading at 87.45 yen as of 3:51 p.m. in New York, from 89.05 yesterday. It depreciated to $1.4437 per euro from $1.4002 and traded at $1.4366, the weakest since Sept. 30.

‘Ominous’ Outlook

The dollar is likely to decline “longer term,” analysts including New York-based Ashraf Laidi at CMC Markets wrote in a report. “Prospects ahead appear particularly ominous for the world’s reserve currency once global economic stability starts to build up.”

The Fed’s debt purchases will cause the dollar to weaken to $1.4860 per euro, analysts led by Robert Sinche, New York-based head of global currency strategy at Bank of America Corp., wrote in a report yesterday. The Fed reduced the scarcity of dollars and investors slowed the deleveraging process, which drove the currency to a 2 1/2-year high against the euro in October, Sinche said.

“Those temporary supports for the dollar appear to have eroded,” Sinche wrote. “Aggressive quantitative easing by the Fed should add to U.S. dollar supply globally and undermine the value of the dollar.”

State Street Global Markets, a unit of the world’s largest money manager for institutions, said the Fed’s move is “perilous” for the dollar as investors accumulated an “extreme” long position on the currency, or bets it will climb.

Record Low Yields

“This implies a significant potential for a dollar unwind if the real money community attempts to chase price,” Hong Kong-based strategist Dwyfor Evans wrote today in a report. The shift toward quantitative easing “has undermined the U.S. dollar significantly over recent weeks.”

The dollar’s decline against the euro compares with a similar move in the early 1990s, indicating the U.S. currency may weaken to a record low of $1.65 late next year, Citigroup Inc. strategists Tom Fitzpatrick in New York and Shyam Devani in London wrote in a research note.

“If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck … it’s a duck,” Fitzpatrick and Devani wrote. “The dollar walks and talks like a currency going back into its bear market.”

The dollar declined 11 percent against the euro and 8 percent against the yen this month as yields on two-, five-, 10- and 30-year Treasuries fell to record lows, encouraging investors to look outside the U.S. for higher returns.

“The dollar is going to struggle while it has low yields,” said Roddy MacPherson, the Edinburgh-based head of currency strategy at Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Ltd., which manages the equivalent of $152 billion. “We’re looking to add to our short dollar position if U.S. yields continue downward.”

UBS Stays Bullish

MacPherson said he moved toward a short dollar position, or a bet it will depreciate, against the euro in the past four days. The currency may end next year at $1.40 per euro, he said.

For UBS AG, the world’s second-largest foreign-exchange trader, demand for cash amid the freeze in bank lending will support the currency. The Libor-OIS spread, a gauge of cash scarcity favored by former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, was at 140 basis points today, or about 14 times its average in the five years before the credit crisis began.

“There is still a premium on liquidity, which will be supportive to the dollar even in the current environment,” said Geoff Kendrick, a senior strategist in London at UBS.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said investors can profit from the dollar’s decline by selling the currency for its Canadian counterpart.

The U.S. currency’s drop is becoming “broader-based,” Jens Nordvig, a New York-based strategist for the U.S. securities firm, wrote today. “Temporary dollar demand from deleveraging and funding flows has come to an end. The prospect of aggressive quantitative easing is starting to have a significant negative impact on the dollar.”

To contact the reporters on this story: Kim-Mai Cutler in London at; Bo Nielsen in Copenhagen at

Interesting blog that was sent to me

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Deflation strikes hard! What to do …
by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.   12-15-08

The deflation we’ve been warning you about is here, and it’s striking hard.

Last week, the Fed released a report that sent chills down the spine of economists all over the world, revealing a sweeping destruction of wealth in America.

Just in the third quarter alone, U.S. households lost $647 billion in real estate; $922 billion in stocks; $523 billion in mutual funds; $653 billion in life insurance and pension fund reserves; plus $128 billion in private business interests.

Total destruction of household wealth in the third quarter: $2.8 trillion, the worst in recorded history. That’s four times more than the government’s entire $700 billion bailout package (TARP).

Total destruction of household wealth in the last year: $7.2 trillion or over TEN times more than the $700 billion TARP package.

Meanwhile, the Treasury reports that only $330 billion of the TARP funds have been committed so far. Worse, most of the funds that have reached the banks are sitting idle in their coffers. If as much as $30 billion has trickled down to households, I’d consider it a minor miracle.

See the contrast? The destruction of wealth is large and swift; the government rescues, relatively small and slow.

Yes, the White House may decide to shift some of the TARP money to cover General Motors and Chrysler’s cash needs for the next few weeks; they don’t want the auto giants going down on their watch.

But even if they can somehow save GM and Chrysler for now, they cannot save the countless smaller and medium-sized companies that are going bankrupt. They cannot save the thousands of municipalities and states that are running out of money. They certainly cannot make whole the millions of households that have gotten smacked with the $7.2 trillion in losses.

More evidence of deflation:

U.S. consumer prices falling at an annual rate of 12%!
U.S. producer prices falling at an annual rate of 26.4%!
Commodity prices slammed by as much as 70% from their peak!
My friend, these are not numbers that denote less inflation. They are hard evidence of deflation!

Your Next Steps

The critical question of our time: Will this deflation be less severe, equally severe or more severe than the 1929-1932 deflation?

If I were you, and you’ve got your portfolio or your 401k in stocks or stock mutual funds, I wouldn’t stick around for the answer.

Yet that’s what most Wall Street experts are telling you to do. Two full years after the first obvious signs of a housing industry collapse, most people who give advice about investing are still in denial.

Wall Street cheerleaders refuse to admit that an obviously massive deflation can lead to an equally massive collapse in the nation’s economy.

They’ve repeatedly sworn on a stack of Bibles that the deflation in housing would “soon end,” the crisis would be “contained” and everything would be “just fine.” They’ve tried to persuade nearly every investor to stay the course, keep their money in the stock market, or even buy more.

But as 2008 comes to a close, no one can possibly deny that the U.S. economy is in deep trouble. Anyone can see the evidence — the sharpest declines in the economy since the 1970s, the worst debt crisis in a lifetime, the largest financial failures and bailouts in history.

Everyone can also agree on the likely causes — the economic blunders of Washington, the financial greed of Wall Street, the big debts and bets by almost everyone. And no one could dispute the probable consequences — surging unemployment and potentially years of hardship for millions of Americans.

Yet despite this widespread agreement, nearly every authority still tries to persuade you to keep your money in the stock market.

Financial experts on NBC Nightly News tell millions of viewers that, as long as they’ve got plenty of years to live and recoup losses, they should continue investing most of their 401k or IRA in stocks.

Suze Orman on Oprah advises millions more to continue socking away their retirement money in stocks regardless of any market decline.

In Time Magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and virtually every newspaper in the country, similar advice is liberally dispensed.

Their unwavering message: Don’t sell. Stick with it. Buy more.

It’s not a symptom of conspiracy and, in most cases, it’s not a sign of intellectual dishonesty. The majority of pundits sincerely believe in what they are advising you, and many follow the same strategy with their own money. But that does not make it good advice.

Consider Dad’s tale of the average investor’s woes in America’s First Great Depression, and you’ll understand what I mean:

“I was a young broker in 1930, and the advice my senior colleagues gave out used to make me cry inside. ‘Just hang on to your stocks for the long term and ride out the storm,’ they said.

“The results were devastating for their clients.

“If you bought the average stock in 1929 and held on until 1932, you wound up with about 10 cents on the dollar. And that’s if you bought the good stocks — the ones that survived. If you bought the bad stocks — in bankrupt companies — you’d be left with nothing, a big fat zero.

“Then, even if all of your companies survived, it wasn’t until 1954 — 25 years later — that you could finally recoup your original investment, provided you could stick it out that long.

“Unfortunately, most people couldn’t. They lost their jobs. They risked losing their house. So they were forced to cash in their stocks with huge losses. For them, the idea of ‘holding on for the long term’ was a joke, an insult, or both. They didn’t have that choice. Later, when the market eventually recovered, they never got the chance to recoup their losses.”

Even if you don’t believe that the late 2000s was comparable to the early 1930s, there is ample reason to exit the stock market. Just consider these facts and connect the dots:

Fact #1. Between 1965 and 1980, America suffered through a long dead zone punctuated by periodic debt troubles, credit crunches, financial failures, housing market declines, recessions and bear markets. For a decade and a half, most investors lost money in the stock market.

Fact #2. The financial crisis that has struck America in 2008 is evidently far worse than anything we experienced during that 1965-1980 dead zone. The debt problems are far bigger. The bankruptcies make earlier episodes look small by comparison. And the nationwide bust in housing is much deeper than anything experienced in history. So it’s reasonable to assume that the experience of investors could be at least as bad as, and possibly worse than, that experienced in the 1960s and 1970s.

Fact #3. A decline in the second largest economy of the modern world, Japan, began in 1990; has lasted for 18 long years; has taken the Nikkei Average down 82%; and, as of this writing, is still not over. Now consider this: The crisis that struck Japan in the early 1990s was ALSO less severe than the global crisis striking us right now.

What About This Time?

No one knows how far stocks will fall, how long they will stay down, or how soon they will recover.

No one knows how many banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, or manufacturing corporations will go bankrupt.

No one can say if the government bailouts will make things better, just keep things from getting worse, or cause even more serious troubles.

All we do know with relative certainty is this: As long we have a financial crisis, recession or depression, the risk of loss is greater than the opportunity for profit — especially in the stock market!

If you’re a gambler, if you don’t mind betting against the odds, and if you have plenty of extra cash to play with, that may be a risk-reward you can overcome with trading acumen and good luck. But if you want to build a nest egg for your retirement or your kids’ education, if you want to sleep nights during topsy-turvy stock market gyrations, if your net worth has been diminished by real estate losses, if you’re worried about losing some or all of your income in a recession or depression, then staying invested in the stock market during a financial crisis is absolutely, positively nuts!

We are obviously living in risky times. So why would you want to double the whammy by putting your money in obviously risky investments? Yes, I know. Your broker, your financial planner — even some of your best friends — are cajoling you to stay in the market.

My view: If they fooled you once, shame on them. If they fool you again, shame on you!

Certainly, you are well aware of the catastrophic events that have already happened. You must realize that these events are likely to lead to further economic declines. And if the economy falls, it should be clear that nearly all of us, yourself included, will be affected in some way.

You also must know by now that the same old assurances from Washington and Wall Street — that “all is fine,” that they will soon “lick the problem,” that the latest, biggest bailout is “finally working” — have been proven wrong over and over again. You must be able to conclude, without my help or anyone else’s, that if ever there was a time when stock market investing is too risky, this is it.

If your goal is to save money for the future purchase of a home, retire in dignity, give you children and grandchildren educational opportunities or have enough money to cover your long-term care, and you still own stocks or stock market mutual funds, then get your money out of danger before it’s too late! Start selling!

Naturally, precisely when and how much you should sell will depend on actual market conditions. But as a rule of thumb …

If the stock market is rallying and up significantly, sell everything. Just call your broker and say: “Sell all my stocks at the market.”

If the stock market is falling and already down sharply, tell your broker to sell half as soon as possible. Then sell the balance on any rally.

If the market is in a panicked frenzy, overrun by an uncontrollable crowd of sellers and virtually devoid of all buyers, wait. Don’t sell immediately. As soon as the panic subsides, then sell half. And as soon as there’s a decent rally, then sell the balance.

If you own stocks you are unable or unwilling to sell, as an alternative, consider buying hedges, such as inverse ETFs, that can help offset your losses. 

And …

If you work with a money manager, ask him about investment programs designed specifically for bear markets, along with their performance track record during both up and down markets. If it’s solid, you can use a bear market program as a vehicle for either protection or profit.
No matter what approach you use, this is no time for complacency. Act boldly but prudently. Then get your money to safety.

Good luck and God bless!


This investment news is brought to you by Money and Markets. Money and Markets is a free daily investment newsletter from Martin D. Weiss and Weiss Research analysts offering the latest investing news and financial insights for the stock market, including tips and advice on investing in gold, energy and oil. Dr. Weiss is a leader in the fields of investing, interest rates, financial safety and economic forecasting. To view archives or subscribe, visit


Using Forex Line Charts to Your Advantage

*Always Trade With VIRTUAL Money Before
Attempting ANY REAL Money Trades!*

One of the questions I get quite often is......When do I jump in and start to trade?

In my last blog I talked about the best "time" to trade and why.

This question deals with the actual trade itself....when should I initiate a trade and why.

Personally I like to use line charts to tell me which currencies to trade and  whether to buy or sell. When you look over the various time frames, you get a feel for the flow (trend) and it becomes apparent what you should do. 90% of the time, you follow the flow (trend).

I look at the 1 hr, 24hr, 7day and 30 day charts of all the currencies I am interested in. Generally I like to trade Euro/USD or USD/Canada or sometimes USD/JPY..........but no matter which currencies I choose, I ALWAYS look over the corresponding charts prior to executing the trade. I am looking to see whether there were any really big drops or increases in each timeframe and whether the real time trade I am about to execute will be caught in the middle of one of them. This is very important because it will determine whether you make money or lose money.........its that simple.

After looking over the charts I decide whether to buy or sell OR if I am unsure, I do BOTH. When you buy and sell the same currencies at the same time for the same amount of money, your trades cancel each other out. Now that may not sound like a good idea because you don't make any money, but in reality it gives you the ablitity to ride a wave to the top or bottom without losing any money and then cash out the profitable trade.  THEN you can ride the wave up or down with the other trade, thus giving you the profit you are looking for. When that trade starts going in the opposite direction, you can now jump back on and ride the wave over and over until you are satisfied with that days trades.

Always remember to have your stop loss and take profit set to the amount you are willing to lose or profit, especially if you are going to be away from the computer for any length of time. Fluctuations happen fast and if you are not paying attention, you could lose your profits OR you could lose the amount of your trade......which is much worse for obvious reasons. Using your stop loss or take profit functions ensures you are protected while you are doing something else.

Have a great week trading!


Brian Jerome

Give EToro a Test Drive! Its FREE and its what I use EVERYDAY.


When To Trade For Maximum Profits

*Always Trade With VIRTUAL Money Before
Attempting ANY REAL Money Trades!*

The Forex Market is open and "usable" 24 hours a day, five days a week.

Five days a week?

For those interested in making money, five days is all you really have. Or really need.

Yes it is open seven days a week, but Saturday and Sunday are not really for active trades. If you don't take some time off, you can always go over your previous weeks trades, tweak your strategies and hone your skills. Take some time to clean things up in order to get ready for the next weeks trades.

But make sure to take some time for yourself and your family. After all, THAT is the most important thing.

Five active trading days a week provides more than enough opportunity for traders to earn very nice profits while at the same time having a life they enjoy.

Forex trading is
VERY addictive and you could easily spend huge amounts of time trading.

But staring at the screen for hours on end is not the best way to spend your time, so giving it a break on the weekends. Do other things. More important things.

What is the right time to trade?

Although it may seem that the right time to trade is not very important, it is actually crucial to your trading success.

The absolute best time to trade is when the Forex market is the most active and therefore has the biggest volume of trades. The more volume of trades, the more profits. Its that simple. A slow, dead market is literally a waste of time.

Forex trading hours

New York opens 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST

Tokyo opens 7:00 pm to 4:00 am EST

Sydney opens 5:00 pm to 2:00 am EST

London opens 3:00 am to 12:00 noon EST

Trading EUR/USD, GBP/USD currency pairs between 8:00 am and 12:00 noon EST when the two markets for those currencies are active would give better results than trading when those markets were closed. Pretty simple right? Use the clock below to keep track of when each market is open and more importantly when they are overlapping. It is a direct download. You don't have to enter any information to get it.

Click Here To Download Free Market Clock

It is a very small and simple piece of software and it will give you a visual representation of when the markets are open and overlapping, which is what is important when trying to maximize your profits.

I hope this has helped answer your questions about when you should be trading.


Brian Jerome

"Try the EToro Trading Platform. Its FREE!"

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If you are new to Forex, then this is the place you want to be and come back to on a regular basis.

Here you will find Forex strategies, Forex software, tips, current events regarding currencies etc.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments you might have about Forex.

Thank you for reading my blog and I look forward to serving you in the future.


Brian Jerome

Online Assistant